
Research is key and will show a lot to the person who has OCD.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to do research into OCD when someone tells you they think they might have it or have been officially diagnosed with it.

I can tell you straight up that when someone tells you this, know that it was the single hardest thing they have done! They would have spent months if not years battling weather or not to tell someone and usually when they do, it’s out of sheer desperation for help. See someone telling you they have OCD as an honour, as a privilege; they have chosen you to open up to, they respect you and trust you.

It’s also important to keep in mind that just because they have told you that doesn’t mean they expect nor want you to “fix them.” All it means is that they are desperate for someone to just listen, to give them a confidence boost in getting professional help, to no longer feel so alone. You don’t even have to pretend to understand what they’re going through, because you can’t, and anyone who has OCD knows you won’t be able to fully, truly understand if you haven’t experienced it yourself anyway, so don’t put that pressure on yourself.

Back to research! The best way you can support someone who has OCD is by doing research, get clued up! You don’t have to delve into the depths of google for hours on end (and I highly discourage you from doing so) because you’ll just end up getting even more confused than when someone tells you they can’t stop thinking about murdering someone haha!

This is what I recommend doing:

  • Choose how you like to absorb information.
  • Books – there is a mountain of books on OCD, you’ll be spoiled for choice.
  • Podcast – for if you prefer to listen than read or hearing other peoples stories might help you more than all the technical stuff in books.
  • Reputable websites, such as this one.
  • Audio books- why read when someone else can read for you and all you have to do is take in the info!

Finally, take. Your. Time! No one is asking you to become a psych over night, not at all actually, unless you want to; then you can start with OCD! Researching mental illness is mentally exhausting and the brain is a very complex organ of the body and no two are the same. Hopefully, through this site you’ll at least have the knowledge of the basics to start supporting someone who has OCD. If you want to go a little deeper, head over to the resources page for my top recs of books, podcasts, charities, websites and more.